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University Policies

Consumer Information for Prospective and Current Students

In addition to the information provided throughout this Bulletin, general information for prospective and current students is consolidated and easily accessible at This includes the college graduation rate for degree-seeking, full-time students pursuant to the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act. This information is updated annually, and may also be obtained from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Kiely Hall 104 and 108, 997-5788).

Policies Concerning Diversity, Inclusion, and Non-Discrimination

Diversity and Inclusion Queens College attracts a diverse student body, and fostering diversity is essential to its mission. The college’s commitment to diversity includes encouraging and facilitating the participation of all members of the college community in all phases of college and campus activities. Additional information can be found on the website for the Queens College Office of Compliance & Diversity Programs at administration/AffirmativeAction/Pages/default.aspx (or at Kiely Hall 147, 997-5888).

Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

The college has and enforces numerous policies against discrimination and is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action institution. CUNY and Queens College do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions), marital status, partnership status, disability, genetic information, alienage, citizenship, military or veteran status, status as a victim of domestic violence/ stalking/sex offenses, unemployment status, any other legally prohibited basis in accordance with federal, state, and city laws with respect to student admissions or access to programs, or in connection with administration or employment. The CUNY Policy on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination addresses claims of discrimination based on the categories identified above. The policy can be found at campus-websites/cuny-policies/.

Policies Concerning Sexual Misconduct (Including Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault)

In addition to policies prohibiting discrimination, CUNY’s policies prohibit sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, in connection with all university student services and academic programs.

The CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct and further information concerning Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault in connection with all university student services and academic programs, and forbids discrimination on the basis of sex in employment and recruitment, consideration, or selection under any education program or activity operated by an institution receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance, can be found at campus-websites/cuny-policies/.

Student Complaint and Accommodation Procedures

CUNY and Queens College provide procedures for student complaints and accommodations, depending on the nature of the concerns and circumstances. Students should review these resources to determine the avenue appropriate for their concern. Students who have a question about the applicable procedure to follow for a particular complaint should consult with the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (718-997-5500).

General Student Complaints

In general, student complaints (other than those involving discrimination or harassment or concerning faculty) are heard initially by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. If a student does not want to file a formal complaint or grievance, the vice president or designee will act as an ombudsman or mediator in an effort to resolve the problem and/or get an answer for the student. To file a formal complaint, students should write a detailed complaint and submit it via email to, or in person to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (Student Union, Room 327). The vice president or other appropriate college official(s) will review the complaint and provide the student with a response, usually within 14 business days. The college official(s) providing a final determination will not be a person (or persons) involved in the alleged problem. Filings of complaints in good faith will not result in adverse action taken against the student for filing the complaint.

Student Complaints about Faculty

CUNY and the college provide procedures for handling student complaints about faculty. The university respects the academic freedom of the faculty and will not interfere with such academic freedom as it relates to the content or style of teaching activities, and also recognizes the necessity of providing a procedure to address complaints about faculty treatment of students that are not protected by academic freedom and are not covered by other procedures. Examples of such complaints about faculty include incompetent or inefficient service, neglect of duty, physical or mental incapacity, and conduct unbecoming a member of the staff. The process provided for under this procedure includes informal resolution (contacting the chair of the faculty member to facilitate informal resolution) and/or a formal written complaint filed with the chair of the department, or, if the chair is the subject of the complaint, the academic dean or designee of the college president. In general, the complaint should be filed within 30 calendar days of the alleged conduct. The process for fact-finding, resolution/determination, appeal, and subsequent action is set forth in detail in CUNY’s Procedures for Handling Student Complaints about Faculty Conduct in Academic Settings, which can be found at legal-affairs/policies-procedures/.

Student Complaints of Discrimination

Students who believe they have been aggrieved in violation of CUNY’s Policy on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination may file complaints as provided for in that policy (see

The chief diversity officer and director of the Office of Compliance and Diversity Programs (OCDP), is responsible for investigating such claims. Of course, if a student’s complaint concerns immediate health and safety, the student should report the conduct to Public Safety (718-997-5912/5911) and/or should call 911.

Student Complaints of Sexual Misconduct

Students who believe they have been aggrieved in violation of CUNY’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct may file complaints as provided for in that policy. (See

Members of the college community, including students, who become aware of allegations of sexual harassment should encourage the aggrieved individual to report the alleged sexual harassment to the Office of Compliance & Diversity Programs.

The university’s Drug/Alcohol Use Amnesty Policy is intended to encourage victims of or witnesses to sexual harassment or sexual violence while under the influence of drugs or alcohol to report the conduct and seek medical assistance for themselves or others without fear of being disciplined for such drug or alcohol use. (See www.cuny. edu/about/administration/offices/legal-affairs/policiesprocedures/.)

The director of the Office of Compliance and Diversity Programs (OCDP), is responsible for investigating such claims (718-997-5888). Of course, if a student’s complaint concerns immediate health and safety, the student should report the conduct to Public Safety (997-5912/5911) and to the police.


An individual who speaks to a college or CUNY employee about sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, or sexual violence should be aware that employees fall into three categories:

(1) “confidential” employees, who have an obligation to maintain a complainant’s confidentiality regarding the incident(s);

(2) “responsible” employees, who are required to report the incident(s) to the Title IX coordinator; and

(3) all other employees, who are strongly encouraged but not required to report the incident(s). “Confidential” employees include counselors or other staff members at the college Counseling Center; nurses, nurse practitioners, and other staff members in the college Health & Wellness Center; pastoral counselors (i.e., counselors who are also religious leaders); and staff members in women’s and men’s centers.

“Responsible” employees include the Title IX coordinator and staff, Office of Public Safety employees, the vice president for student affairs and all staff housed in that office, residence life staff and resident assistants, the college president, vice presidents, deans, athletic staff including faculty athletics representatives, department chairpersons/executive officers, human resources staff, employees in the University Office of the General Counsel, college attorney/labor designee and staff, international education liaisons, study abroad campus and field directors, faculty members at times when they are leading or supervising students on off campus trips, faculty and staff advisors to student groups, employees who are managers or supervisors, SEEK/College Discovery staff, college childcare center staff, directors of Educational Opportunity Centers affiliated with CUNY colleges, and faculty or staff academic advisors.

All other employees are permitted but not required to report any possible sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, or sexual violence; however, they are encouraged by CUNY and the college to make such a report.

For more information, see section IX of CUNY’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct at title-ix/campus-websites/cuny-policies/.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and for Pregnancy and Related Conditions

The college’s Office of Special Services for Students with Disabilities (718-997-5870) is dedicated to providing support services for students with disabilities and pregnancy-related conditions in order to ensure accessibility of academic and other college activities. Such services may include registration assistance, equipment and device loans, reader/writer/attendant care referrals, interpreters, counseling, books on tape, test administration, liaison with counselors, and assistive technology services. To receive such services, students must register with the Office of Special Services and provide documentation of the disability and requested accommodations. In general, absences due to medical conditions related to pregnancy will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student’s doctor, and students will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. (Employee requests are addressed by the Office of Human Resources.)

Appeals concerning such accommodations are handled by the Section 504/ADA coordinator and director of the Office of Compliance and Diversity Programs (OCDP) (718-997-5888).

For general CUNY policy on accommodations, see

Accommodations for Religious Observance

It is understood that observance of various religious holidays may impact class attendance, participation in examinations, and study or work requirements on particular days. Appropriate arrangements will be made to provide an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study, or work requirements students may have missed because of such absence.

Students should provide advance notice to their professors of any religious obligations and indicate when such observance and obligations will conflict with class attendance or other college responsibilities. Faculty will reasonably accommodate students’ religious obligations, provided that advance notice of these obligations is given by the student. To the extent possible, faculty will refrain from scheduling tests on such class days. The student may also contact the Office of Student Affairs to initiate such accommodations.

If a faculty member does not accommodate a student’s request with regard to examinations, assignments, or quizzes missed for reason of a religious holiday, students may pursue refused requests for such accommodation with the department chairperson and the chief diversity officer. See Religious Accommodations procedures, found at https://www2. policies-procedures/reasonable-accommodations-andacademic-adjustments/vi-religious-accommodations/.

Consistent with Education Law 224, students will not be expelled or refused admission because they are unable, due to their religious beliefs, to attend classes or participate in an examination, study, or work requirements on particular day(s).

Alcohol and Drug Policy

The unlawful manufacture, possession, use, dispensation or distribution of alcohol and/or illegal drugs or other controlled substances on university and college premises, or as part of any university or college activity, is prohibited. See In addition, students must comply with the Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order (also known as the “Henderson Rules”), which appear below. It is essential that students familiarize themselves with these critical policies as well as the student disciplinary procedures related to the enforcement of these policies. See under Student Conduct.

Any student found in violation of these policies or the Henderson Rules is subject to disciplinary action. Sanctions for violations may include admonition, warning, censure, discipline, probation, restitution, suspension, expulsion, complaint to civil authorities, and/ or ejection. These sanctions are defined in the appendix to the Henderson Rules.

In addition, all members of the college community are expected to abide by city, state, and federal laws (Board of Trustees Bylaws, Article XV, Section 15.1). The college will not serve as a sanctuary and cannot insulate its members from the consequences of illegal acts. The college will not protect students or other members of the college community from prosecution under the law. Where appropriate, the university will refer persons who violate such laws for prosecution to the relevant governmental authorities and will cooperate fully with such authorities. Criminal sanctions, including fines or imprisonment, may be assessed in addition to sanctions imposed by the student disciplinary process.

Note that students who are employees found in violation of these standards of conduct may be subject to discipline under the provisions of their union contract and/or applicable college and CUNY policies. The sanctions that will be imposed may include, in addition to those found in the various contracts, verified attendance and successful participation in a drug/alcohol assistance program.

Substance Abuse

Serious health risks accompany the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. A student who is experiencing difficulty with alcohol or chemical/drug dependency may seek assistance directly from, or the Vice President of Student Affairs may refer a student to the College Counseling, Health & Wellness Center. The vice president may recommend that the student meet with a counselor for appropriate referral or assistance through self-help organizations or other outside intervention agencies.

Employees, including student employees, who are experiencing difficulty with alcohol or chemical dependency may, at the request of their supervisor, be asked to meet with a counselor. The counselor, after the interview, may recommend appropriate assistance through self-help organizations or other outside intervention such as drug rehabilitation or employee assistance programs. Employees may also seek assistance on their own.

The University’s Drug/Alcohol Use Amnesty Policy is intended to encourage students to seek medical assistance for themselves or others with respect to drug and alcohol use without fear of being disciplined for such use. See uploads/sites/4/page-assets/about/administration/ offices/legal-affairs/Drug-and-Alcohol-Use-AmnestyPolicy-10.1.2015.pdf.

Campus/Community-Based Services

These services and information centers for alcohol and drug abuse are available to all members of the college community:

Counseling Services

Frese Hall, 1st Floor • 718-997-5420

Health & Wellness Center

Frese Hall, 3rd floor • 718-997-2760

Office of Human Resources

Kiely Hall 163 • 718-997-4455

New York State Governor’s Office Opiate/Heroin Initiative

CUNY has joined the New York State Governor’s Office in an important initiative to address a recent increase in heroin overdose. Heroin is an opiate, a class of drugs that is derived from the poppy plant. All opiate abuse, including many prescription painkillers, can lead to addiction, overdose, and even death. If you or someone you know is abusing heroin or prescription painkillers, CUNY’s Mental Health and Wellness Offices can provide educational resources and referrals to organizations that can help. In addition, selected CUNY health and public safety staff are trained to administer Naloxone, a drug used to counter the effects of opioid overdose and prevent death. For immediate help, visit your local emergency room or call the OASAS HOPEline at 877-846-7369 (24 hours a day, seven days a week) to speak with a trained medical professional. HOPEline staff can answer your questions and help you find treatment. All calls are free and confidential.

Tobacco-Free Policy

The college is a 100% tobacco-free campus, and tobacco may not be used anywhere on the college campus. This applies to all tobacco and related products, including chewing tobacco and e-cigarettes. Restrictions are in effect at all indoor and outdoor facilities under CUNY jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, entrances and exits to buildings, stairwells, athletic fields, and parking lots. The university policy also prohibits tobacco industry promotions, advertising, marketing, and distribution of marketing materials on campus properties, and tobacco industry sponsorship of athletic events and athletes.

Information on the policy and health-related matters, including assistance in breaking the habit, can be found at See for the text of the policy.

Workplace Violence

CUNY and Queens College are committed to the prevention of workplace violence and will respond promptly to any threats and/or acts of violence.

While the university and college’s Workplace Violence Policy applies to employees (including student employees), it is important that all students become familiar with the policy because it defines standards of conduct for all members of the university and college communities in order to provide a safe workplace.

For purposes of this policy, workplace violence is defined as any physical assault or acts of aggressive behavior occurring where an employee performs any work-related duty in the course of his or her employment, including but not limited to: (i) An attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury upon an employee; (ii) Any intentional display of force that would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm; (iii) Intentional and wrongful physical contact with an employee without his or her consent that entails some injury; and (iv) Stalking an employee in a manner that may cause the employee to fear for his or her physical safety and health when such stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.

All employees and students are responsible for helping to create an environment of mutual respect and for assisting in maintaining a safe and secure work environment. Incidents involving workplace violence will be given the serious attention they deserve. Employees and students are responsible for reporting any incidents of workplace violence of which they become aware to the Public Safety Office. See security/Documents/QC WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION PROGRAM.pdf.

Computing Facilities/Use

CUNY’s Policy on Acceptable Use of Computer Resources applies to all users of CUNY computer resources, whether affiliated with CUNY or not, and whether accessing those resources on a CUNY campus or remotely. This includes students who have registered for courses requiring the use of a computer and anyone who uses the Queens College computer network.

CUNY and Queens College maintain computer resources for academic and administrative use to support the university’s mission of education, research, and public service. The security and good working order of these tools depend on responsible care and use by those who are accorded the privilege of using them. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with and abide by the Acceptable Use and IT Security policies, which can be found at offices/CIS/policies/ComputerUsePolicy.pdf, and pnp/IT-Security-Procedures-6-25-2014.pdf.

Student Records

Student records and information are maintained by the college, and many records are available in the Registrar’s Office (Jefferson Hall, 1st floor; 718-997-4400). Pursuant to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), with the exception of “directory information” and some other exceptions, a student’s written consent is generally required before an educational institution may disclose personally identifiable information contained in educational records.

The college may provide “directory information” to persons with a legitimate interest in such information upon request, including requests from military recruiters. “Directory information” consists of a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, photograph, email address, full- or part-time status, enrollment status (undergraduate, graduate, etc.), level of education (credits completed), dates of attendance (years, dates, semesters or sessions; not daily records), major field of study, degree(s) enrolled for, participation in officially recognized activities and sports (teams), the height and weight of members of athletic teams, previous school attended, and degrees, honors, and awards received.

Students may request that “directory information” not be released without their prior consent by completing a Non-Disclosure Form in the Registrar’s Office. This form also can be downloaded at offices/student-affairs/policies/FERPAForm.pdf and returned to the Registrar’s Office. Students should be aware that if they sign a Non-Disclosure Form to block the release of “directory information,” they will need to sign and submit a release form to the Registrar’s Office to authorize the release of “directory information” to others, such as financial institutions, employers, and other designated persons or entities.

In addition, the college may disclose personally identifiable information from student records to appropriate persons without written consent under a number of other circumstances provided for under FERPA, including in certain emergency situations. For instance, the college may reveal the final results of a disciplinary proceeding against a student accused of a violent crime or non-forcible sex offense, and may notify parent(s) or guardian(s) if the college determines that a student violated a controlled substance or alcohol rule.

Students should familiarize themselves with CUNY’s Guidelines for the Implementation of the Student Records Access Policy and FERPA, which can be found at page-assets/about/administration/offices/legal-affairs/ Guidelines-for-implementation-of-the-Student-RecordsAccess-FERPA.pdf.

Student Conduct and Discipline

In addition to policies with respect to academic integrity discussed in this Bulletin, the university’s and college’s policies and procedures applicable to student conduct include Article XV of CUNY’s By-Laws concerning Student Conduct and Discipline ( bylaws/article_xv/text/#Navigation_Location ), Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order pursuant to Education Law Section 129(a) (also known as the Henderson Rules, reprinted below), Residence Hall Disciplinary Procedures ( offices/ovsa/policies/CUNY-ResidenceHallDiscipli naryProcedures.pdf ), and the college’s anti-bullying policy ( AntiBullying.aspx ). Under appropriate circumstances, the Queens College Behavioral Intervention Team will be involved in addressing student conduct.

It is critical that students familiarize themselves with these policies and procedures in order to understand standards of behavior, how to report any concerns, and student disciplinary procedures. In addition, students must be aware of any additional standards of conduct and procedures applicable to certain departments (such as the Athletics Office’s special rules applicable to student-athletes). For example, CUNY’s bylaws require students to meet all college obligations punctually, to use the property of the institution with care and economy, to obey the laws of the city, state, and nation, and to obey the orders of duly established college authorities. The Henderson Rules provide extensive guidance with respect to student conduct. Violation of any of the provisions of these bylaws may result in disciplinary action.

The college handles matters of student discipline through the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee. Note that matters of academic discipline, including the process and procedure for addressing concerns about such conduct, are discussed in CUNY’s Policy on Academic Integrity. See about/administration/offices/student-affairs/policies/ AcademicIntegrityPolicywithoutmemo.pdf.

Please note that college-recognized student organizations (including clubs) are subject to various responsibilities and college policies. While the college does not supervise the use by student groups of leased or purchased off-campus facilities, student organizations are responsible for their conduct and for the management of their off-campus activities and/or housing, and such conduct and activities may be included under Article XV of the by-law referenced above, and the Henderson Rules articulated below.

Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order

(“Henderson Rules”: policy/article_vi/policy_6.06/text/#Navigation_Location)

CUNY’s Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order are critical. As the bylaws of the Board of Trustees state: “Each student enrolled or in attendance in any college, school, or unit under the control of the board and every student organization, association, publication, club, or chapter shall obey the laws of the city, state, and nation, and the bylaws and resolutions of the board and the policies, regulations, and orders of the college” (http:// Location).

The Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order are as follows:

The tradition of the university as a sanctuary of academic freedom and center of informed discussion is an honored one, to be guarded vigilantly. The basic significance of that sanctuary lies in the protection of intellectual freedoms: the rights of professors to teach, of scholars to engage in the advancement of knowledge, of students to learn and to express their views, free from external pressures of interference. These freedoms can flourish only in an atmosphere of mutual respect, civility, and trust among teachers and students, only when members of the City University community are willing to accept self-restraint and reciprocity as the condition upon which they share in its intellectual autonomy.

Academic freedom and the sanctuary of the City University campus extend to all who share these aims and responsibilities. They cannot be invoked by those who would subordinate intellectual freedom to political ends, or who violate the norms of conduct established to protect that freedom. Against such offenders the City University has the right, and indeed the obligation, to defend itself. We accordingly announce the following rules and regulations to be in effect at each of our colleges, which are to be administered in accordance with the requirements of due process as provided in the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees.

With respect to enforcement of these rules and regulations, we note that the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees provide that:

THE PRESIDENT. The President, with respect to his/ her educational unit, shall:

a. Have the affirmative responsibility of conserving and enhancing the educational standards of the college and schools under his/her jurisdiction;

b. Be the adviser and executive agent to the board and of his/her respective college committee and as such shall have the immediate supervision with full discretionary power in carrying into effect the bylaws, resolutions, and policies of the board, the lawful resolutions of any of its committees, and the policies, programs, and lawful resolutions of the several faculties;

c. Exercise general superintendence over the concerns, officers, employees, and students of his/her educational unit.

I. Rules

  1. Members of the academic community shall not intentionally obstruct and/or forcibly prevent others from the exercise of their rights. Nor shall they interfere with the institution’s educational process or facilities or the rights of those who wish to avail themselves of any of the institution’s instructional, personal, administrative, recreational, and community services.

  2. Individuals are liable for failure to comply with lawful directions issued by representatives of the City University/college when they are acting in their official capacities. Members of the academic community are required to show their identification cards when requested to do so by an official of the college.

  3. Unauthorized occupancy of City University/ college facilities or blocking access to or from such areas is prohibited. Permission from appropriate college authorities must be obtained for removal, relocation, and use of City University/college equipment and/or supplies.

  4. Theft from or damage to City University/college premises or property, or theft of or damage to property of any person on university/college premises is prohibited.

  5. Members of the academic community or their invited guests have the right to advocate a position without having to fear abuse—physical, verbal, or otherwise—from others supporting conflicting points of view. Members of the academic community and other persons on the college grounds shall not use language or take actions reasonably likely to provoke or encourage physical violence by demonstrators, those demonstrated against, or spectators.

  6. Action may be taken against any and all persons who have no legitimate reason for their presence on any campus within the City University/college, or whose presence on any such campus obstructs and/or forcibly prevents others from the exercise of their rights or interferes with the institution’s educational processes or facilities, or the rights of those who wish to avail themselves of any of the institution’s instructional, personal, administrative, recreational, and community services.

  7. Disorderly or indecent conduct on City University/ college-owned or-controlled property is prohibited.

  8. No individual shall have in his/her possession a rifle, shotgun, or firearm or knowingly have in his/her possession any other dangerous instrument or material that can be used to inflict bodily harm on an individual or damage upon a building or the grounds of the City University/college without the written authorization of such educational institution. Nor shall any individual have in his/her possession any other instrument or material which can be used and is intended to inflict bodily harm on an individual or damage upon a building or the grounds of the City University/college.

  9. Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation or affiliation with any organization is prohibited.

  10. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of illegal drugs or other controlled substances by City University employees in the workplace is prohibited. Employees of the City University must also notify the college’s human-resources director of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace not later than five days after such conviction.

  11. The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol by students or employees on City University/ college premises or as part of any City University/college activities is prohibited.

II. Penalties

  1. Any student engaging in any manner in conduct prohibited under substantive Rules 1–11 shall be subject to the following range of sanctions as hereafter defined in the attached Appendix: admonition, warning, censure, disciplinary probation, restitution, suspension, expulsion, ejection, and/or arrest by the civil authorities.

  2. Any tenured or non-tenured faculty member, or tenured or non-tenured member of the administrative or custodial staff, engaging in any manner in conduct prohibited under substantive Rules 1–11 shall be subject to the following range of penalties: warning, censure, restitution, fine not exceeding those permitted by law or by the Bylaws of the City University, suspension with/ without pay pending a hearing before an appropriate college authority, dismissal after a hearing, ejection, and/or arrest by the civil authorities, and, for engaging in any manner in conduct prohibited under substantive Rule 10, may, in the alternative, be required to participate satisfactorily in an appropriately licensed drug treatment or rehabilitation program. In addition, a tenured faculty member, or tenured member of the administrative or custodial staff, engaging in any manner in conduct prohibited under substantive Rules 1–11 shall be entitled to be treated in accordance with applicable provisions of the Education Law or Civil Service Law.

  3. Any visitor, licensee, or invitee engaging in any manner in conduct prohibited under substantive Rules 1– 11 shall be subject to ejection and/or arrest by the civil authorities.

  4. Any organization that authorizes conduct prohibited under substantive Rules 1–11 shall have its permission to operate on campus rescinded. Penalties 1–4 shall be in addition to any other penalty provided by law or the City University.

Appendix A

Sanctions Defined:

A. Admonition. An oral statement to the offender that he has violated City University rules.

B. Warning. Notice to the offender, orally or in writing, that continuation or repetition of the wrongful conduct, within a period of time stated in the warning, maybe cause for more severe disciplinary action.

C. Censure. Written reprimand for violation of specified regulation, including the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanction in the event of conviction for the violation of any City University regulation within a period stated in the letter of reprimand.

D. Disciplinary Probation. Exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricular City University activities as set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation for a specified period of time.

E. Restitution. Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages.

F. Suspension. Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice of suspension for a definite period of time.

G. Expulsion. Termination of student status for an indefinite period. The conditions of readmission, if any is permitted, shall be stated in the order of expulsion.

H. Complaint to Civil Authorities.

I. Ejection.

Resolved. That a copy of these rules and regulations be filed with the Regents of the State of New York and with the Commissioner of Education.

Resolved. That these rules and regulations be incorporated in each college bulletin.

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