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Tuition & Fees

All tuition and other fees listed in this Undergraduate Bulletin and in any registration material issued by the college are subject to change. In the event of any increase in fees or tuition charges, payments already made to the college will be treated as partial payments. Subsequent notification of the additional amount due and the time and method of payment will be given. The Bursar’s website ( should be checked for fee changes prior to registration.

Senior Citizens

People who qualify as senior citizens may attend QC as auditors. To qualify they must be New York State residents 60 years of age or older who have completed high school. Senior auditors may enroll in a noncredit undergraduate course on a space-available basis by completing the Senior Citizen Auditor Application, available through the Office of Admissions. Individuals who enroll will be charged an administrative fee, the student consolidated services fee, as well as any other fees they may incur.

Provisions specific to the Senior Citizen Audit Program are:

■ Senior citizen auditors may enroll in undergraduate courses only on an audit basis without tuition charge and academic credit.

■ The grade of AUD will be assigned to all senior citizen auditors.

■ Senior citizens are not permitted to register tuition free for any graduate-level course and utilize a tuition fee waiver.

■ Senior citizen auditors pay $80 per semester or session plus any course fees and penalty charges (change of program, late registration, late payment, etc.).

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Students must be prepared to pay all fees associated with their registration. These include tuition, consolidated service fee, student senate fee, student activity fee, technology fee, material and transportation charges, and other miscellaneous fees.

Students may view their charges on their CUNYfirst account. Payments can be made online with an eCheck (no fee is incurred for an eCheck transaction) or a major credit card. When you use a credit card, a nonrefundable 2.65 percent service fee will be charged to your account in addition to your tuition, fee, and housing payment. Students may also enroll in a Nelnet payment plan online through the CUNYfirst Student Center to make paying their bill easier with equal monthly installments. The enrollment fee is $25 per semester/ session. If paying by credit/debit card, a non-refundable service fee of 2.65 percent will be charged to your account in addition to your payment.

If a student pays by check or money order, his or her QC ID number must be written in the memo section of the check or money order. Students may mail checks or money orders to the Bursar’s Office or may pay in person at the Bursar’s Office with checks, money orders, or cash.

A student who issues a check or eCheck payment that is returned by the bank or our third-party processor for online payments will be liable for tuition and fees in addition to a reprocessing fee. Please note that payment by check or eCheck will no longer be acceptable.

A “stop payment” on a student’s check does not cancel registration. The student must withdraw officially.

A student who registers for classes assumes financial responsibility. If the student chooses not to attend, he or she must drop all courses before the first official day of the semester. Failure to do so automatically entails a financial obligation on the part of the student.

If you do not make full payment of your tuition and fees and other college bills and your account is sent to a collection agency, you will be responsible for all collection costs, in addition to whatever amounts you owe the college. Nonpayment or a default judgment against your account may be reported to a credit bureau and reflected in your credit report.

For billing and payment information, refer to the Bursar’s website and the Bursar’s Newsletter at

Tuition Fees







To qualify for resident tuition and fees, a student must have been a resident of the State of New York for a consecutive period of one year immediately preceding the first day of classes of the session in consideration.

Undergraduate students who enroll part-time in undergraduate courses and take graduate courses, in any given semester, are charged graduate tuition for those graduate courses and the mandatory undergraduate student fees.

Resident matriculated undergraduate students who enroll full-time in undergraduate courses and take graduate courses, in any given semester, are charged the maximum full-time undergraduate tuition and mandatory undergraduate student fees.

Guidelines for Tuition Schedule

A full-time resident undergraduate degree student is one who is enrolled for 12 or more credits or billable equivalent credits. A part-time resident undergraduate degree student is one who is enrolled for fewer than 12 credits or billable equivalent credits.

Part-time students are billed on a per-credit basis up to but not including 12 credits. The tuition for part-time degree students should not exceed the full-time degree rate in a regular semester.

There is no full-time tuition rate for Summer Session students. Similarly, there is no full-time rate for non-degree or non-resident students. Therefore, all Summer, nondegree, and non-resident students are billed on a per-credit basis regardless of the number of credits for which they register. For additional information, contact the Bursar’s Office (Jefferson Hall, Room 200; 718-997-4500).

Mandatory Student Fees

For each session in attendance, all students are required to pay mandatory student fees that cover student activities, Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), Student Union, and the like. It does not cover service fees that a student may incur individually, such as fees for program changes, late registration, transcripts, special examinations, or parking. Unless changed after printing of this Bulletin, the mandatory student fees for full-time undergraduate students total $303.85 for each session of attendance. Part-time students pay $208.85. The breakdown of the fee is shown on page 30.

The mandatory student fees (activity fee, consolidated student fee, technology fee and student senate fee) or any part thereof will not be refundable at any time, nor can they be waived unless the college cancels all courses for which a student has registered or the student formally withdraws from all classes prior to the official first day of classes.

Exceptions may be made as follows:

  • If a student is placed on active military service, partial refunds may be made. Students who are so notified should get in touch with the Veteran Support Services Office immediately.

  • The PIRG fee is refundable if application is made to the college PIRG office (Student Union LL36) within three weeks of the start of the session.

  • The sports fee is refundable if application is made in FitzGerald Gymnasium 218 within three weeks of the start of the session. You must show your paid bill with your application.

  • The child care fee is refundable if application is made in the Child Development Center Office (Kiely Hall 245) within three weeks of the beginning of the

Fall and Spring semesters or within one week of the beginning of the Summer sessions. You must show your paid bill and ID with your application.

QNS Mandatory Undergraduate Student Fees

Material/Film & Transportation/Field Charges

Material/film and transportation/field (MAT) charges may be applied in addition to tuition for various courses in this Bulletin. Charges are listed for individual classes in the Class Search function in CUNYfirst, available prior to registration. A student who drops a course that has such charges before the semester begins will receive a refund.

Chalk & Wire Fee

Chalk & Wire is an e-portfolio, web-based assessment management system that enables candidates in the Professional Education Unit to document academic and professional development, organize and showcase their work, and reflect on learning in alignment with programmatic goals, objectives, and national standards, including discipline-specific competencies.

Candidates enrolled in programs within the Education Unit must purchase Chalk & Wire subscriptions when instructed to do so by their programs. Subscriptions are offered in five-month and one-, two-, three-, and four-year increments (with costs ranging from $38.66 for five months to $132 for the four-year option).

Special Fees

The following fees will also be charged:

  1. During the admission process, students are required to pay a non-refundable fee of $65 (transfer students pay $70) at the time of filing an application for either matriculant or non-matriculant status.

  2. A re-entry fee of $20 is payable by matriculated students (except senior citizens) who want to reenter the college after an absence of one or more semesters.

  3. A charge of $25 is made for late registration and reinstatement. 4. A charge of $18 is assessed for students who change their schedules and add courses on or after the first day of the term. This fee is charged each day a change is made.

  4. A charge of $18 is assessed for students who change their schedules and add courses on or after the first day of the term. This fee is charged each day a change is made.

  5. Parking on campus is by decal only and limited. The annual decal costs $275 and covers the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. For the Spring semester only, the cost is $138. Summer sessions cost $138 per session. Summit residents’ yearly parking is $440 plus $25 (refundable deposit) for an access card. (See Parking on page 27.) Payment may be made by check, cash, money order, or any major credit card.

  6. Duplicate Records fees are: (a) duplicate ID card,$10; (b) duplicate diploma, $30; and (c) other duplicate records, $5. Each transcript of record is $7 (waived when the transcript is to be forwarded to another unit of the City University). Online orders require an additional $2 processing fee for a total of $9 per transcript request.

  7. A fee of $35–$60 is charged for the binding of the master’s degree thesis, depending on the number of copies ordered.

  8. The per-semester fees for maintenance of matriculation are $225 for NYS residents and $370 for out-of-state students.

  9. A $15 non-payment service fee is charged whenever a student does not pay any bill by its due date. It applies to students who receive hardship deferrals and who are declared eligible for financial aid as well as to those not receiving deferrals or aid.

  10. A payment reprocessing fee of $20 is charged when a check or eCheck tendered to the college by a student is not honored by the bank upon which the check is drawn. A separate fee will be charged for each check that requires reprocessing. In the event that the return of the check resulted from a bank error and the bank acknowledges the error in writing, the reprocessing fee may be waived. If your check or eCheck is returned by the bank for “stop payment,” you will be liable for all tuition and fees in addition to a reprocessing fee. A “stop payment” on a check or eCheck does not cancel any liability.

  11. A fee of $25 is charged when a makeup examination is given. Each additional examination in a session is $5. Payment of service fees, fines, and miscellaneous charges may be made at the Bursar’s windows in Jefferson Hall. Payment of parking fines must be mailed or submitted in person to the Security Office (Jefferson Hall 201).

  12. Parking fines must be paid by check, money order, or credit card at the Public Safety Office in Jefferson Hall, Room 201. The check or money order must be made payable to Queens College and include the student’s CUNY ID and ticket number.

The Bursar’s Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, Friday 9:30 am to 1 pm, and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5 to 7 pm, in Fall and Spring when classes are in session. Please visit our website for more information on Summer office hours:

Checks Returned to the College by the Bank

If your check is returned by the bank to Queens College, your registration will be processed in the following manner:

  1. Stop Payments: A stop payment on your check will NOT result in cancellation of your registration. If you do not plan on attending classes for the semester, you must drop your classes online before the first day of the semester. Doing so will insure you assume no financial liability. If you have already paid your bill, a refund of 100% of your payment will be issued to you. In such case, you will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees. As stated in paragraph 10 on page 30, any check tendered to the college by a student that is not honored by the bank upon which the check is drawn will result in a reprocessing fee of $20.

  2. Other: If your check or eCheck is returned by the bank or our third-party processor as not presentable for collection (NG) (including “unable to locate account”), you will be liable for all tuition and fees in addition to the $20 reprocessing fee. Please note that payment by check or eCheck will no longer be acceptable.


Students who have debts (for any tuition, fees, parking violations, emergency loans, etc.) that are past due will have a hold placed on their registration, transcripts, and diplomas until they satisfy their outstanding obligations to the college.

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